Tuesday, April 28, 2009

2009 Fiesta flambeau Parade

Flotilla 74 represented the USCG Auxiliary in the Flambeau Night Parade in San Antonio, TX

Last Saturday, April 25 a team from Fl 74 and their guest of honor, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Granger from DirAux rode one of the flotilla's facility in the 2.6 miles parade route.

The Granger's wore casual attire representing the boating public with three Auxiliarists in their ODUs and their life jackets guarding the boating couple. The towing vehicle was driven by DSO-PA, Frank Dannenberg, Jr. and QE Fred Dayeso from Fl74 was riding shotgun also in their ODUs.

The vehicle had on each back door New Bilingual Magnetic Logos, "WEAR IT!/ PONTELO! and the USCGAUX Magnetic Logos on the front doors.

The theme for the parade this year was "Las Vegas." Two beautiful banners were donated by RED HOT SIGNS of San Antonio and were tape to the sides of the boat with the message,"Do Not Gamble With Your Life! WEAR IT! PONTELO!" A nice life jacket logo separated the Spanish and English message.

The crowd of over 500,000+ expressed their love to the men and women of the United States Coast Guard and the Auxiliary. It was a beautiful evening full of fun and color.

What an easy fun way to take our message to over 1/2 million people in a couple of hours at a cost of around $25 dollars including dinner.

Frank Dannenberg, Jr. DSO-PA 74 8CR USCGAUX

Friday, April 17, 2009

Proclamations for National Safe Boating Week

National Safe Boating Week is right around the corner (May16-22) and we want to extend an invitation for the Dallas District Conference in September to any Auxiliarist, who initiates the issuing of a proclamation or resolution from any government entity that proclaims May 16-May 22, Safe Boating Week in their area of operations.

The proclamations or resolutions for NSBW then must be sent to the NSBW District 8CR Chairman, Dan Joyce by June 15. These proclamations and resolutions will be used on a display at the Dallas Conference in September.

Any Auxiliarist sending in a proclamation or resolution will be sent an invitation to the Hospitality Room at the Dallas Conference.

The Commodore and other District leaders. You will be recognized and thank for your efforts and contribution to the District's effort in this year's National Safe Boating Week Activities.
We will take our pictures with the proclamations and resolutions on display and they will be used for an article on the Navigator.

This is just one way to thank you for your efforts in promoting this year's NSBW. You need to start this Monday because the window of opportunity is closing fast.